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Sussex Scrapbook ~ Wildlife walks throughout the year
Green Man
Saturday 9th July 2011
Lewes - Glynde - Firle - Firle Beacon - Southease - Lewes.
12.5 miles

It doesn't matter what the weather, you'll never be disappointed with Mount Caburn. We don't know quite what it is, possibly the rolling, pillow-like downs that surround you and buffer you from the noise and bustle of; the traffic; the town and the rest of the mad, mad world. Maybe it's because the mount is like an island off of the "coast" of the South Downs and like all islands it has a character and charm all of its own. Whatever it is we can't get enough of it! Today our island hopping was enhanced by visits to the beautiful villages of Glynde and Firle, a climb up to the beacon and its flower-strewn downland and a gorgeous evening stroll along the Ouse back to Lewes. Throw in some tea and cake and quite frankly what the hell more do you need?!

After the steep climb up there, you suddenly find yourself far away from the crazy 20th Century.

At the very top of Mount Caburn I managed to drop the camera. It rolled and rolled down the steepest point on the whole mount, down and down and then down some more into a distant bush!
I wearily got back up to the top with it, put it in its case, attached the case to my pack and put my pack on. The camera case slipped straight off my pack and it rolled and rolled and rolled - down, down, deeper and down, back to the exact same flippin' place I'd just retrieved it from.
I believe the traditional expletive is: DOH!

Gill has just started making a collection of gate fastener pictures. This one's at the entrance to Firle Park.

Firle church.

The climb up to Firle Beacon.

Firle tower seen from afar.

The view back towards Lewes and Mount Caburn from Itford Hill.

Reed Bunting beside the River Ouse.

Take the time to read the countryside code for yourself and please stick to it at all times.