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Sussex Scrapbook ~ Wildlife walks throughout the year
Green Man
Friday 18th April 2014. Good Friday.
Herstmonceux - Wartling - Hooe - Boreham Street - Herstmonceux
11 miles

The bike is all up and running perfectly (touch wood) and is a real pleasure to ride so we took it for another good blap down to Hertmonceux for a walk around part of the Pevensey levels. We parked at the church (of course) and headed first for the hamlet of Wartling where we stopped for a cuppa at the village church. After that we set off to explore the area south-east of there, down at Waller's Haven, the large drainage canal that bisects this area... OK, I own up... exploration was the ostensible reason for going this way, in reality I hadn't checked that there was actually a bridge across the water... and there wasn't! So back we went to Wartling and started again. Doh!
An hour or so later we found ourselves outside the Lamb Inn by the A259 and we just couldn't resist the temptation of a half of Harvey's Sussex Bitter before we carried on. It went down really well and we had to tear ourselves away before we had a second or indeed, quite possibly, a third.

Look just by the 'Y' of Pevensey. The footpath comes from the North-west, along the watercourse and continues on the other side to the road.
I just assumed there was a bridge. WRONG!
What's the old adage? Never ASSUME, it makes an ASS of U and ME.

Our start and finish point - Herstmonceux church.

Waller's Haven and a distinct lack of a bridge! Um... it must have washed away in the storms Gill!

The view across the levels towards Norman's Bay. Flat enough for an invading army to run across.

What a delicious aroma, we could smell them emanating from the woods on the ride there and back.

St. Oswald's at Hooe comes into view.

A teepee village by Wartling Wood.

The Observatory Science Centre.

A Green Woodpecker just before we got back to the bike.

Take the time to read the countryside code for yourself and please stick to it at all times.